Justin Bieber Purpose World Tour - Zagreb

Hey guys, here I am with another paragraph. But this time I decided to write something else and not fashion. Something I really like too, Music!
So in 9th of November, 2016 I went to a Justin Bieber Purpose Concert in Zagreb, Croatia. I must say it was an amazing concert and worth going.
I always liked his music, I can say that I grew up listening to his music, from the fact that we are the same age. Anyways, his previous albums were amazing and I think he showed too many times how much of a talent he has with everything he does. But Purpose, yeah that album was something different. I personally can say that in most of the songs in this album I found things related to me, that helped me so much in different phases in my life.
“Purpose” album was the real Justin. The album showed us the person beyond the lights, his true personality and feelings. And this created a much stronger bond between his beliebers and him.

9 November 2016 Arena Zagreb

So the opening act that night was this boy band Mic Lowry.They sang some of their songs  and also some cover songs. They were talented and their songs were amazing too. 

 After them there was another opening act, the electric duo The Knocks. Their music was awesome and we had so much fun before Justin started his concert. The atmosphere was amazing.


 1. After they did their show, it was time for Justin. The first song he sang was Mark My Words, which is very meaningful . While he was singing he was inside a glass box.  After that song he sang Where Are Ü Now with an amazing dance performance followed by his dancers too. 

The atmophere kept becoming more and more amzing and fun. 


   Here is a video:

2. After those too songs the third song he sanf was I’ll Show You with ana amazing performance, which I have captured in a video, just  for few seconds. But as you can see it is amazing isn’t it?

Here is a video:

3. After that song the next one was The Feeling, for which I have captured a video too. The stage was set up just perfect, showing Hasley on the background. All the beliebers including me were singing together with Justin, which made him very happy.  Here is the video:

4. They made an awesome desicion choosing to sing some of the Believe album songs. The moment the beat of Boyfriend started to play we all went crazy. I also captured some videos of that performance. 


5. Than after some minutes he came to stage with a different song, Love Yourself, which he performanced with playing the guitar during sitting on a beautiful  vintage couch in the middle of the stage. It was a perfect acoustic performance. Here is a video.

6. After that the following song were :

Been You

Here is a video:


Here is a video:

 No Sense, featuring Travis Scott on the background
Here is a video:

                          Hold Tight, from his previous album Journals                        
Here is a video:

                                         No Pressure, showing Big Sean on the background
Here is a video:

7. After those songs he again sang one of his hits from Believe album, As Long As You Love Me, which is my favourite from that album. Before the song began, the dancers did a pefect performance. Then Justin came to stage and the moment the beat of the song started we all started to sing and dance like crazy. I could feel my throat was dry after all that sing/screaming. When the song ended he did a drums performance, which was pretty amazing too. That moment i was having so much fun, that i can say i never had before in my life.




 8. He also did a Q&A with us. One of the beliebers asked for a hug and his reaction was adorable. Another girl asked if he can sing One less Lonely Girl and he happily agrred to that. Together we sang a partof the song. Another question was for him to sing That Should Be Me, which suprised him, but also made him happy that we still remembered the lyrics. Then another girl asked why he decided to name his album PURPOSE.

 He told us that with this album he wanted to show us that he was a human that made some mistakes in the past, but he has foundhis purpose, and that we should find our purpose too. He told us how important this was to him. Another girl asked him if he will continue to make R&B songs, and his answer was that he will, because he likes listening to that kind of songs too.It was amazing seeing him trying to communicate with us.

He also told us that that night he was very happy with the crowd, he was happy that we were singing with him while he was singing, he was glad with us. That obviosly made us happy too.


9. The following song was Children , which is a meningful song. During the performance he was accompanied with 4 children that danced together with him and other dancers. Those kids were awesome. After the song ended he huged them asking their names and they happily left the stage.

10. First he sang his new single Let Me Love You, and after that Life Is Worth Living  started to play, all the beliebers had their flashes on dancing slowly to the beat, and singing at the same time. That view was like a fairytale, like we were on a dream. I was happy because with every song he sang he created a different atmosphere and gave us a different feeling. He also got emotional during his performance, which made us emotional too. He was so sincere with us.

Let Me Love You 

Life Is Worth Living

  11. After some minutes, the Dj played some beats and the following song was What Do You Mean?. Here I have a video of that performance.

 12. When Baby started to play the crowd went crazy again. We were so happy that they didn’t forget to remember that song, which I can say introduced most of us to Justin. We all started to sing and dance. Here is a video.

13. When he started to sing Purpose, he did a special performancetoo. He sat on the stage next to the fans and sang the song watching all of us folloing him. I loved it very much, that’s why i captured a video. 

14. When we thought it was over, the beat of another song started to play and itwas Sorry. In this song all the beliebers, also some parents that were there with their kinds, even some elders were dancing and singing. It was a perfect view for us, and can’t think how it must feel for him. The performance was amazing following with him getting wet from the water and then in the amazing and friendly end they did together with the dancers and the DJ.



It was all that. The experience i had was something i can’t describe with words. I hope all of you that like him and his music get a chance to go to his Purpose Tour and experience what i did, I’m sure it will be worthy.
See you next time with another paragraph which surely will be about fashion. Okay, so take care and have a nice day.Bye!

P.s. Before the concert I saw some of his dancers outside the tour buses and took a picture of them :D


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